
Culturally adapted resources for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander women

Stronger Bubba Born

Looking after Bubba for all our mob

We acknowledge the Traditional lands on where your bub was or will be born, and the lands that you belong to. We acknowledge the Traditional Owners and pay respect to our Elders, past and present, and acknowledge our continuing being Caretakers and Custodians of the lands where we are from.

Having a bubba is one of life's most wonderful events. Fortunately, Australia is one of the safest countries in the world for a bubba to be born, but tragically about six bubbas are born still every day. Unfortunately, our women are more likely to experience a sorry business baby (stillbirth) than non-Indigenous women.

Our aim is to help Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander women and the health care practitioners who care for them understand what they can do to reduce the risk of sorry business babies.

Stronger Bubba Born resources are therefore being developed by the Centre of Research Excellence in Stillbirth (Stillbirth CRE) to help us achieve that aim. Stronger Bubba Born translates to a baby born healthy and strong. Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander communities more often use bubba for baby, and we encourage health care practitioners to use strengths-based language most suitable for the Aboriginal communities.

This work has been ledby Stillbirth CRE’s Indigenous team comprising strong Aboriginal women and the resource development work has taken careto make sure things are presented in Aboriginal people’s own ways of knowing, being and doing.

These key principles have been embedded into the five key messages of the Stronger Bubba Born resources to prevent sorry business babies and have a healthy and safe pregnancy.

The Stronger Bubba Born website

The Stronger Bubba Born website and resources are available now.

Stronger Bubba Born